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Insurance IoT is a new way of thinking about the activity of assessing, managing and transferring risks that fits with a world that is going to be more and more hyperconnected. Personal auto is the ...
The global economy is built on the backs of hardworking "industrial athletes," and providing those athletes with the equipment to keep them safe is the mission of one New York-based technology firm ...
The hyperconnection between people, machines and organizations is a pervasive megatrend that characterizes our society in any aspects, at any level, in any part of the world. The Internet of Things ...
Traditional insurance products focus on risk transfer. Insurers compete based on their ability to use historical loss information, data gathered during the submission process and other data from ...
It is clear that traditional end-to-end business models are breaking down in every industry, including insurance. In the digital era, the standards of service are continually rising, making it ...
In an accompanying article, we looked at the statutory financial results of three U.S. P/C InsurTech carriers, finding that Root continues to outpace Metromile and Lemonade on the top line, while ...
Since the first article in this series, Dispatches From InsurTech Survival Island, our principal goal in analyzing the quarterly statutory statements of the most relevant U.S. property/casualty ...
The growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) is a relevant trend for our hyper-connected society. A few years ago it was estimated that on a normal day, 127 new devices were connecting to the Internet ...
Continuing a series in which we evaluate and discuss the financial performance and operating results of the InsurTech carrier trio of Lemonade, Root and Metromile, we find continued growth and ...
FROM THE ARCHIVES: A VINTAGE CARRIER MANAGEMENT ARTICLE FROM 2019. In ancient times, it is believed that civilizations including the Romans, Indians and Egyptians had some form of "group protection" ...
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