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Content from Marsha Egan
Marsha Egan, CPCU, CSP, PCC, is a Success Strategist and CEO of The Egan Group, a Nantucket, Mass.-based professional coaching firm. An ICF Certified Professional Coach and Certified Speaking Professional, she is a leading authority on workplace productivity and interpersonal success strategies. She is the author of “Inbox Detox and the Habit of Email Excellence” (Acanthus 2009) available on Amazon and at
Egan is a former president of the CPCU Society.
She is also the leader of the online leadership coaching group “Great Points Coaching Online”
Reach her at
Leadership is a funny thing. It works in some instances and does not work in others. Responses from followers surprise well-intentioned leaders. Actions that are supposed to work, according to the ...
Many managers believe that their job is to resolve problems that arise. They wait for the next challenge. And many are excellent responders to those challenges. But isn't the more important side of ...
Much has been written about the need for ethics and ethical behavior in organizations, and most people, when approached with the subject, show body language that says "I know it. I do it. Don't talk ...
I believe that the most powerful corporate values statements are those that start with a verb. Here are two examples: Zappos Deliver WOW Through Service. Embrace and Drive Change. Create Fun and a ...
You've heard these words: "I'm frustrated that I'm not moving up fast enough at work...Why was I passed over for a promotion that I thought I deserved…They told me that I wasn't qualified for a ...
Email. Our lives wouldn't be the same without it. It is a tool that has revolutionized the workplace, improved communication and allowed employees to accomplish more in less time. However, if ...
Some aspiring leaders think that it is lonely at the top. Not so. Or at least it doesn't have to be. The really effective leaders have learned—and understand—that they cannot do it alone. They ...
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