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Digital MGA Getsafe disclosed $30 million in new financing led by new investor Swiss Re. The Heidelberg, Germany-based InsurTech said the money will help build its market dominance among millennials ...
Root lost more than $85 million in its 2020 third quarter – its first as a public company following an initial public offering in October that raised $724.4 million. The Ohio-based digital auto ...
In fall 2016, Zurich North America moved its operations into a spectacular new 783,000-square-foot complex. Today, it is barely used, thanks to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Outside, the 40-acre ...
AIG will separate its Life & Retirement division into a standalone company either through an initial public offering or private sale of the unit in stages over time. Which ever option executives ...
Hemant Shah is experiencing those old feelings again: exhilaration combined with occasional doses of being overwhelmed. Shah, co-founder and former CEO of catastrophe modeling firm RMS, is in the ...
Back in 2015, Douglas Ver Mulm was co-founder of Vervoer Rideshare Fleet, which runs and manages rideshare vehicles in New York City—a side gig when he was a lawyer at Mercer handling data security ...
American International Group's plan to downsize by divesting its Life & Retirement business is drawing cautious and wary reactions from rating agencies that follow the property/casualty insurance ...
Chubb Chairman and CEO Evan Greenberg looks around and sees a hardening market that is spreading and accelerating in multiple ways, something he termed as a long-overdue development. "I see it as a ...
American International Group has disclosed significant leadership changes as well as plans to separate its Life & Retirement business into an independent company. Peter Zaffino, currently AIG's ...
The latest crop of InsurTechs began appearing in force around 2015, with promises to disrupt the insurance industry and change the world. Industry veterans have often taken those boasts with a grain ...
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