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Content from Luba Tolkachyov
Tolkachyov, co-Founder and managing partner at Gravity, has over 10 years of marketing experience working for leading global brands such as: Caesars Entertainment, Coca-Cola, Prudential and Red Bull North America, both in the U.S. and abroad. As the leader of New Media Development, Luba continues to build the company’s expertise in the digital arena with strategic digital media innovations, extensive research into online consumer relations, and a strong understanding of behaviors in the interactive space. Her work has been recognized by national presses including AdAge, The NY Post, and Forbes Magazine. In 2013 she was named one of’s Top 10 Digital Entrepreneurs.
For an industry known to flood households nationwide with blaring messages of money saving techniques, the insurance category certainly feels comfortable loosening its own purse strings. Ponying up a ...
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