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Content from Lori Widmer
Lori Widmer is a Philadelphia-based freelance writer and editor specializing in risk management and insurance.
The way Ernie Feirer sees it, today's workforce requires a complete shift in management style. "When I think about managing people in this new paradigm, I can't really observe people like I used to," ...
Don't look now, but the trend toward working remotely has just found solid footing in the form of a global pandemic. Companies around the world have been forced to conduct business in new ways since ...
Insurers aren't the only entities finding opportunity in a technology-driven market. Elizabeth Sullivan, vice president at EG Bowman, a New York-based commercial and personal lines insurance broker, ...
When Marissa Buckley asked her focus group their general thoughts regarding shopping for homeowners insurance, the responses were brutally honest. "I'd rather stick a needle in my eye" and "I'd ...
If you ask 10 chief investment officers (CIO) at major insurance companies to explain their investment strategies and concerns, you'll hear silence. That's because in a world of intellectual property ...
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