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Content from Lakshmi Shalini
Lakshmi Shalini is Vice President, Risk and Insurance Analytics, for Cambridge Mobile Telematics. Shalini has over 17 years of experience in data analytics and product innovation for the insurance industry. At CMT, she leads the strategic development of telematics derived scores and risk features using best in class machine learning and analytical capabilities in collaboration with our customers.
Prior to CMT, she held senior management roles at Guardian Life Insurance, Liberty Mutual and Verisk Analytics deploying high revenue generating analytic products across the insurance value chain including actuarial pricing, underwriting, claims and marketing. She holds an MBA from Boston College and a Masters in Physics from Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai.
Insurance pricing is an imperfect process. It's been gradually refined over countless iterations of product revisions through hundreds of thousands of regulatory filings. Insurers have used different ...
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