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The catastrophe bond market will continue to grow by 10 to 20 percent per year, driven in part by the increase in covered perils and the broadening of event definitions, according to a report ...
A public-private, cyber-catastrophe reinsurance arrangement would improve the UK's resilience against the growing threat of cyber risks in this interconnected world, according to a recently-released ...
The reinsurance market is moving from coverage of acts of God to one that covers commoditized risks – an evolution that could have long-term implications for market stability and trading ...
Economic losses from global natural catastrophes likely will triple over the next 15 years, unless steps are taken to reduce bad development choices, according to preliminary results of a catastrophe ...
Property/casualty insurance carriers say they won't be looking for carbon copies of the incumbent CEO when they seek out his or her potential replacement, but they're not looking for someone very ...
The brokerage industry has changed "utterly and fundamentally" over the past 30 years from a risk transfer function to much more of an advisory role, according to Dominic Christian, executive ...
A working group of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has recommended the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) for approval as a "qualified jurisdiction" under the NAIC's ...
Liability claims have been lower than expected in recent years, which has boosted insurers' profits despite a decline in liability rates. But new risks and stronger economic growth will increase ...
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