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Some observers believe the bottom of the reinsurance market may be in sight because brokers are having greater difficulty filling out underpriced programs and further concessions in terms are ...
The twin forces of regulation and technology will see the emergence of new distribution models in 2017. This sounds like a commonly heard disrupter scenario for the U.S. and European markets, but ...
Insurers and reinsurers continue to look for organic growth where they can find it – sometimes from emerging risks and sometimes from emerging markets. As always, the keys to success are market ...
InsurTech was an insurance buzzword in 2016, and that's likely to continue next year when it will permeate almost every aspect of U.S. industry, according to a prediction from international law firm ...
M&A and Brexit will be major factors for the global insurance/reinsurance industry over the coming year, according to predictions from the insurance team at the international law firm Clyde & ...
While insurance against cyber risk represents a tremendous new business for the insurance industry, numerous problems with the insurability currently impede the development of the market," according ...
The costs of major shocks to the global economy from natural and manmade threats could put at risk $1.17 trillion of the total projected GDP of the world's major cities in 2017, according to the ...
AIG has made good progress toward achieving its strategic goals of creating "a leaner, more focused, highly profitable commercial insurance organization," according to Robert S. Schimek, executive ...
Zurich Insurance Group's reunderwriting program is starting to bear fruit—as evidenced by the company's improved third-quarter results—but CFO George Quinn readily admits there is still work to ...
The insurance/reinsurance industry needs to innovate and become more efficient. It is facing more risk, but premiums are declining. Some of its products have become shop-worn and less relevant. ...
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