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The chief executive officer of Quandl is on a mission to let insurance companies know that their data is valuable and professional investors will pay them for it. But a lot of insurers are oblivious ...
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd., the Toronto-based investment and insurance company, has successfully completed its acquisition of Allied World Assurance Co. Holdings, for $4.9 billion – marking ...
Global insurance premiums increased by 3.1 percent in real terms during 2016, down from growth of 4.3 percent reported in 2015, according to Swiss Re Institute's sigma study. The report described ...
There has been a lot of press—and perhaps hype—about blockchain and its potential to revolutionize the industry's processes and ultimately improve the customer experience. However, the efforts of ...
While everyone talks about blockchain, also known as mutual distributed ledger technology, just a few people actually know what this technology can do and how it could someday revolutionize the ...
There is a famous story about a visit by President Kennedy to the NASA space center. When Kennedy noticed a man carrying a broom in one of the buildings, he asked: "What's your job here?" The janitor ...
Reinsurers Munich Re and Hannover Re both reported that first-quarter results are on track to meet their annual targets, despite Q1's higher level of catastrophe claims. Munich Re reported ...
Swiss Re reported net income of $656 million during the first quarter of 2017, a 45 percent drop from $1.2 billion reported in the same period last year. Swiss Re's Q1 result was hammered by expected ...
Large liability claims are becoming more expensive, complex and international, with activity increasing outside the United States, according a report published by Allianz Global Corporate & ...
Technology is expected to be a major driver of liability claims in the years ahead – cutting frequency and increasing new threats such as cyber, product liability and recall risk, according a ...
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