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Content from Kirstin Marr
Kirstin Marr is Executive Vice President, Data Solutions at Insurity.
Even the most experienced insurance companies could not have prepared for COVID-19, leaving portfolios riddled with uncertainty for an indeterminate time. Perhaps no line of business has felt the ...
The Internet has enabled convenience and personalization at a level never possible before, forcing every industry to step up its game or be left in the dust by more tech-fluent startups. It has also ...
Artificial intelligence is having a positive impact on the industry. There are substantial use cases in almost every part of the insurance business, from policy administration and claims to customer ...
This is the sixth in a series of articles by Valen Analytics looking at the hurdles that insurers must overcome to effectively implement and gain value from data analytics programs. Making better ...
This is the fifth in a series of articles by Valen Analytics looking at the hurdles that insurers must overcome to effectively implement and gain value from data analytics programs. Using technology ...
This is the fourth in a series of articles by Valen Analytics looking at the hurdles that insurers must overcome to effectively implement and gain value from data analytics programs. Every tool has ...
This is the third in a series of articles by Valen Analytics looking at the hurdles that insurers must overcome to effectively implement and gain value from data analytics programs. When the ...
This is the second in a series of articles by Valen Analytics looking at the hurdles that insurers must overcome to effectively implement and gain value from data analytics programs. After deciding ...
This is the first in a series of articles by Valen Analytics looking at the hurdles that insurers must overcome to effectively implement and gain value from data analytics programs. Becoming a ...
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