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Content from Kirk Hartley
Kirk Hartley is the founder and principal of the Law Science Policy Law Firm.
During a career of almost 40 years, Kirk Hartley has represented a wide range of parties in commercial and tort cases. In 2011, he created LSP Group Law Science to focus on the increasing intersections between molecular science and civil law issues.
Hartley is also a founding member and principal at ToxicoGenomica, a multidisciplinary group of scientists and lawyers created to provide fully integrated services for using genomic and systems biology data in civil litigation, and to help develop and utilize best practices related to the use of such information in civil litigation. Members of ToxicoGenomica have been involved in developing and evaluating genomic information in dozens of toxic tort cases around the country and are dedicated to accelerating the dissemination of information about the applications of genomics and systems biology to issues involving disease causation.
Reach Hartley at
Have insurers and defendants been overpaying for asbestos liability claims? Are there other ongoing toxic torts where that might be true today? The questions arise as a result of a revolution that's ...
William Wilt and Kirk Hartley, the authors of the accompanying article, "Have Insurers Paid Too Much for Asbestos and Other Toxic Torts?" recently published a research note, in a Q&A format, ...
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