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Content from Kevin McPoyle
Kevin McPoyle, CIC, is President and co-founder of KMRD Partners Inc., a risk management consulting firm and property/casualty insurance broker located in Warrington, Limerick, and West Chester, Pa.
It has been reported that the federal government's Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program has been victimized by fraud. This program was designed to extend unemployment insurance benefits to ...
While the pandemic has provided an entirely unwelcome education, if we choose to, we will profit from its lessons. After all, no crisis should be wasted. The first of many lessons can be attributed ...
Has it really been a year since we last celebrated National Insurance Awareness Day? To properly celebrate the holiday, I have included a few words of appreciation about my favorite industry. Thanks ...
It is a commonly held belief that there is a talent shortage in our industry. The best and brightest recruits, it is often said, pursue careers in more exciting professions like investment banking, ...
Having recently attended a number of carrier events during which the structure of market contacts, departments and the underwriting process were once again reimagined as new and novel in a "back to ...
What is an insurance carrier to a business owner? For any business owner who hasn't taken the full measure of his or her insurance policy, the check he sends to a carrier often appears to be nothing ...
As we celebrate the Memorial Day and Independence Day holidays, it is appropriate to reflect on the qualities necessary to be a good leader. The legacies of some of America's renowned generals appear ...
How often is a representative of our industry asked to weigh in on a pressing issue of the day? The answer is rarely, if ever. Within our culture, thought leadership and the insurance industry are ...
Which industry is responsible for the following? • Steps in to help put people's lives back together again following floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and fire. • Provides the means with which ...
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