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Content from Karen A. Morris
Karen A. Morris is consultant to the insurance industry, specializing in all aspects of innovation strategy and execution. She is also a member of the faculty of the ILO Institute founded by Dr. Peter Temes, and an adjunct professor at Fordham University in New York teaching Innovation as part of the MBA program. Karen also serves on the board of directors of the Global Sourcing Council. Reach her at
Of course, it was George's idea and for once not one of his famously mad, bad and dangerous ones. Stuck indoors in the "summer of darkness"—the wettest, coldest June on record, the impact on Lake ...
A recent visit to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum brought home forcefully that we live in dangerous times—times that demand new ways of being and doing. Sober, quiet, discomforted by more than ...
Decades and decades later, you still remember the shadow and swish of nuns. I also remember verbatim, like the pop song to which you first fell in love, the Goethe and Schiller of Sister Margaret ...
The fact is that June, my great-grandmother, was a computer. The fear is that my son is not. Ours is not a cyborg-mutation story, although that fate may await my great-grandchildren. In 1924, ...
My neighbor has Hank Greenberg inscribed on one of his balls; he is inordinately proud of this. You might say he's a fan. The circumstances under which I discovered my neighbor's asset need not ...
William is my dog. By all customary and conventional measures, Willy is not a nice dog. He is not a dog you would encourage your children to entertain. But I love him. Willy is a sad, mad dog with ...
I have been bonked all afternoon. It's that time of year. Brooklyn's stoops, plumped by great pumpkins, are bright with autumn leaves. Sweeping up means braving the barrage of falling kernels, ...
There's fowl knocking at my kitchen door; an impatient staccato, it pauses, expectant like a breath held, then resumes. They know I am in here. I know what they want. The tapping pecks away at my ...
Imagine an idyllic, pristine beach in Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. A breeze off the ocean holds the scent of flowers. The horizon, naggingly punctuated by tiny container ships, dissolves into the ...
The evidence, accidentally uncovered, unhinged my jaw in surprised incredulity. I am open to the unexpected just as long as it circles my expectations with a close, concentric hug. Tom and I have ...
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