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Content from Karen Clark
Karen Clark, the president of Karen Clark & Company, is internationally recognized as the founder of the first catastrophe modeling firm and as the expert in the field of catastrophe risk assessment and management. Reach Karen at
Every six years the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) produces an updated set of seismic hazard maps for the United States. These National Hazard Maps show the estimated probabilities of different levels ...
Insurers are using the new open loss modeling platforms to build their own catastrophe models for three main reasons: clarity, control and cost. Catastrophe models have become extremely important ...
Given the complexity of catastrophe models, at first it might seem impossible for you to build your own. This was certainly the case 10-20 years ago. But technology has changed since the ...
Hurricane Katrina was a deadly storm that caused a large loss to the insurance industry—but not so large that it shouldn't have been anticipated by the catastrophe models. In the months after this ...
As the founder of AIR, one of the top two modeling companies, and its CEO for 20 years, I spent much of my career informing insurers and reinsurers about catastrophe models and extolling the virtues ...
The first generation of catastrophe modeling technology, based on proprietary "black box" models produced by a few vendors, is 25 years old. It's now generally known that despite significant ...
Preparing effective rating agency presentations is important to most companies, but when it comes to articulating catastrophe risk and large loss potential, there can be a disconnect between what ...
For the past two decades, insurers and reinsurers have licensed catastrophe models from AIR, RMS and EQECAT, and each vendor model came with its own front and back end to handle the model input and ...
While "scientific consensus" on climate change may sound like an oxymoron, there is consensus on three key questions about climate change and hurricanes, as demonstrated by recent reports from the ...
There are multiple types of flooding that can cause significant property damage and losses to insurance companies.. One is the flooding associated with storm surge from hurricanes. Hurricanes can ...
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