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Content from Joshua A. Magden
Joshua A. Magden is Vice President of Insurance and Institutional Marketing at Sage Advisory Services, Ltd. Co. in Austin, Texas. He works with a variety of insurance clients including general carriers, captives, risk retention groups and risk pools to build regulatory and liability-sensitive investment portfolios. He writes regularly on insurance asset management topics and innovative approaches to some of the challenges faced by insurers in the current interest rate climate. Reach Josh at
How many of us will be proven wrong by year end? How many right? In a business where we are often judged—fairly or not—on an annual or even quarterly basis, the act of making predictions can be ...
As with personal resolutions and renewed avowals, the start of a new year is the perfect time for insurers to revisit the parameters and goals guiding their investment portfolios. Particularly for ...
A significant component of managing a property/casualty insurance company's investment portfolio is gap management—ensuring that asset cash flows and returns always exceed claims and expenses by a ...
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