Content from Joseph L. Petrelli
Joseph L. Petrelli is the President of Demotech Inc., a financial analysis firm specializing in evaluating the financial stability of regional and specialty insurers. Since 1985, Demotech has served the insurance industry by assigning accurate, reliable and proven Financial Stability Ratings (FSRs) for property/casualty insurers and title underwriters. FSRs are a leading indicator of financial stability, providing an objective baseline of the future solvency of an insurer. Visit www.demotech.com for more information.

Underreserving, Balance Sheet Fundamentals Taking a Back Seat in Rating Agency Analyses
Loss and loss adjustment expense (L&LAE) reserving and reported income are but two components of a thorough, all-encompassing rating agency analysis of an insurer. Today, more than ever before, ...Demotech Reserve Study Disclaimers
The study summarized in the articles titled "'Industry' Loss Reserve Studies Not Meaningful: Demotech Analysis" and "Underreserving, Balance Sheet Fundamentals Taking a Back Seat in Rating Agency ...
‘Industry’ Loss Reserve Studies Not Meaningful: Demotech Analysis
Insurance literature is replete with articles, analyses, studies and discussion documents related to industry loss and loss adjustment expense (L&LAE) reserves, the impact of L&LAE reserve ...
Demotech U.S. Company Classification System
Demotech's philosophy is to review and evaluate insurers based on their focus and execution of their business model rather than on financial size. This philosophy was the catalyst for the development ...