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Content from Joel Makhluf
Joel Makhluf is Vice President of Marketing at Enservio and the Director of the Property Innovation Summit, the insurance industry’s premier thought leadership conference. Enservio provides contents claim management software, payments products, inventory and valuation services for property insurers. Makhluf may be reached at
New technologies generate a great deal of excitement, and there's a positive buzz right now about the potential impact of artificial intelligence, machine learning and automation in the insurance ...
The insurance industry is facing a sustained period of transformative disruption that's largely based on new competitors and technological advancement. Consider that 86 percent of insurance CEOs ...
As insurers seek inspiration to drive innovation, it makes sense to turn to modern-day tech titans to find useful ideas that might be adapted for the insurance industry. Innovation is the lifeblood ...
When employees feel valued and they have the tools and information they need to do their jobs, they perform better, which can translate directly into higher customer satisfaction. This is true of any ...
The rapid pace of technological development is transforming the way customers interact with many industries, and insurance is no exception. With the rise of mobility, expectations about communication ...
Marketing to millennials is all the rage. Still, for many, crafting an effective message for millennials remains a mystery. We may know a few things about how old they are and what they like, but do ...
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