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Two insurance carriers filed separate lawsuits recently against medical doctors and their pain-management clinics, accusing them of submitting bills for unnecessary medical procedures performed on ...
The number of workplace injury claims continues to decline year after year despite significant changes in workforce demographics that one might think should increase claims frequency, according to a ...
Creation of a catastrophic wildfire risk pool is emerging as the most likely option as California lawmakers seek to protect the solvency of investor-owned utilities from record payouts for fire ...
For years, automobile insurers have used automatic dialogue devices, called chatbots, to field calls from policyholders when they report claims. Last year, personal insurance startup Lemonade took ...
Sean Enrique O'Keefe said he started out as a "humanistic attorney," but he became a mercenary and then a criminal who netted $700,000 a year by sending San Diego workers compensation claimants to ...
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