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The workers compensation line is unlikely to generate a profit this year and may not recover in 2021, an insurance industry economist said during a webcast Thursday. Steven N. Weisbart, senior vice ...
A workers compensation insurer cannot charge an employer an extra $1.7 million in premiums for the risk presented by employees who were exempt from coverage under Iowa's workers' compensation law, a ...
In 1963, congregants noticed a strange odor in the basement of the First Presbyterian Church in Littleton, Colo. Some suspected a gas leak or maybe spilled stationary ink. Others thought the smell ...
A trial court judge in Lansing, Mich., handed a victory to insurers in what may be the nation's first final ruling on the question of whether a property insurer is liable for financial damages caused ...
While the frequency of workers compensation claims has continued a decades-long decline, the number of work injuries caused by motor vehicle accidents has continued a steady increase that began in ...
Rioting that erupted in cities across the United States after the Memorial Day death of George Floyd in Minneapolis may rival the 1992 Los Angeles riots to become the most costly civil disorder in ...
Fire risk scores now used by insurance underwriters can sometimes make it challenging for homeowners to find coverage., a California InsurTech startup, is among a handful of firms working to ...
As of last Wednesday, a federal court had received notice that 101 lawsuits have been filed as of seeking coverage from insurers for business interruption losses caused by COVID-19, and plaintiffs ...
An executive order by California Gov. Gavin Newsom last week is the most aggressive yet among the directives issued by 13 states that require workers compensation insurers to pay at least some ...
If only 10 percent of health care workers contract COVID-19 and all of their claims are deemed compensable, workers' compensation loss costs for that sector could double or even triple in some ...
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