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Policyholder attorneys pursuing COVID-19 business-interruption claims are hoping to persuade judges to accept a premise that many Americans appear to doubt: The novel coronavirus is physically ...
The COVID-19 pandemic comes with a bright spot for workers compensation insurers: Fewer workers are being injured in motor vehicle accidents. A research brief issued by the National Council on ...
A ruling by a New York appellate court could bring more workers compensation claims by work-from-home employees by removing strict compensability standards established last year by the state Workers' ...
A judge in Durham County, North Carolina has handed down what may be the nation's first dispositive ruling in favor of policyholders in a COVID-19 business-interruption lawsuit. Superior Court Judge ...
If COVID-19 behaves like other workers' compensation lung and disease claims, about two out of 100 cases may result in some degree of permanent partial disability and one out of 2,000 may result in ...
Hurricane Delta caused from $700 million $1.2 billion in insured losses from wind damage and storm surge, and an additional $800 million to $1.5 billion in losses to offshore structures, CoreLogic ...
Insurers have succeeded in dismissing COVID-19 business interruption lawsuits in 17 out of 23 cases heard so far, with a growing number of judges finding that some tangible alteration of a property ...
A federal judge in Florida last week denied an insurer's petition to dismiss a COVID-19 business-interruption lawsuit, while a federal magistrate judge in California threw out a similar claim. Both ...
A second judge has ruled that a policyholder's COVID-19 business-interruption claim should proceed, marking an uncommon procedural win for business owners who have seen similar lawsuits dismissed by ...
Some commercial property owners whose businesses were torched by rioters are learning that they don't have enough insurance to clear away the debris. The StarTribune newspaper reported Monday that ...
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