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Content from Jerry Theodorou
Jerry Theodorou is the director of the Finance, Insurance and Trade Policy Program for R Street. He develops and advances effective free market public policy solutions to complex issues where federal and state governments have intervened. Prior to R Street, Theodorou was the director of insurance research at Conning in Hartford, Conn. In his 12 years at Conning, a leading insurance asset management and research firm, he was highly sought after for his insights and publications on a broad range of matters impacting property and casualty insurers, and was in strong demand as keynote speaker at conferences. Prior to Conning, Theodorou worked for the global insurance giant American International Group (AIG) in a variety of global underwriting, operations and strategy roles, including close to a decade of expatriate managerial assignments in Europe and the Middle East.
The bills for the Biden administration's multitrillion-dollar American Jobs and American Families plans are expected to be footed by additional revenues generated by The Made in America Tax Plan. A ...
Insurance mergers and acquisitions often provide signs pointing to the direction where the industry is heading. Reading the signs today reveals a strong foreign element. In 2014 there has been a ...
U.S. liability insurance results have been favorable in the past few years, buoyed by benign loss frequency, reserve releases, and the absence of major casualty catastrophes. The prospect of ...
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