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Content from Jason Crabtree
Jason Crabtree is the CEO of QOMPLX, an intelligent decision platform provider. QOMPLX makes it faster and easier for organizations to integrate disparate internal and external data sources across the enterprise via a unified analytics infrastructure that supports better decision-making at scale. Prior to QOMPLX, Crabtree most recently served as a Special Advisor to the senior leaders in the Department of Defense cyber community, with responsibilities ranging from policy advice and operational support to research direction and technology transition. He received a B.S. in engineering from the United States Military Academy at West Point, was selected as the First Captain and Brigade Commander of the Corps of Cadets and elected as a Rhodes Scholar. He received an M.Sc.(R) in Engineering Science at the University of Oxford before leading infantry troops in Afghanistan in 2012.
Insurers have been blindly moving to expand access and coverage in cyber insurance despite their inability to confidently assess and quantify holistic cyber risk. Visibility of the exposure remains ...
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