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Content from Howard Mills
Howard Mills is Global Insurance Regulatory Leader at Deloitte Services LP and a former Superintendent of the New York Insurance Department. He may be reached at
Have you ever been skydiving? If, like me, you're a newbie with a healthy fear of jumping out of an airplane thousands of feet above the ground, the trick is to never quite believe it's going to ...
"Give a man a reputation as an early riser and he can sleep 'til noon," Mark Twain once said. Reputation is as important today as it was in Twain's day, but perhaps not necessarily as unassailable. ...
I have a CD player in my relatively new luxury sports sedan. It plays five—or maybe six—CDs so I can be surrounded by music I choose and like all through even a reasonably long journey. Or maybe ...
Once upon a time, insurance regulation for U.S. companies was pretty straightforward. But then came 2008. Things changed. The influencers if not the direct regulators of U.S. insurance companies have ...
There are some risks against which even the most vigilant board is powerless. On the other hand, there are significant known unknowns that property/casualty boards should anticipate in 2015. Many of ...
The mother-in-law of a colleague of mine, a spry young woman in her early 80s, recently had open-heart surgery. As is sometimes the case even after successful surgery, full recovery can take a while ...
There are very few sure things in life, but among the closest to a certainty is that every year, on the ubiquitous year-end lists of top risks insurers face in the year to come, regulatory risk will ...
The one-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy may mark an appropriate time to review how the insurance industry reacted to this disaster and the lessons we can draw from that. As a former insurance ...
"Take me to your leader." Those of us who grew up worshiping cheesy sci-fi movies from the 1950s are undoubtedly familiar with that line. It is what the aliens who land on earth usually say to the ...
ORSA is more than just another four-letter word. Or acronym, to be precise. For insurers, ORSA is, as Pennsylvania Deputy Insurance Commissioner Steve Johnson said a couple NAIC meetings ago, "a game ...
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