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Content from Gregory Bailey
Gregory Bailey is President and Chief Product Officer at Denim Social in St. Louis. He is an entrepreneur, angel investor and former corporate executive with more than 25 years of experience in product leadership, innovation, strategic marketing, communications, P&L management, cross-functional leadership, strategic planning, sales, distribution and business unit leadership.
Most insurance companies were setting out on a digital transformation journey with an expected time frame of about three to five years before COVID-19. Then the pandemic accelerated the need for ...
The pandemic has brought about a lot of change in every industry, but perhaps the most noteworthy trend for property/casualty insurance companies to consider is the renewed emphasis on trust. A 2020 ...
COVID-19 has impacted many areas of property/casualty insurance, but perhaps the most challenging is that it has fundamentally changed the way agents must meet and engage with prospects. Social ...
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