Content from Graeme Newman
Graeme Newman is Chief Innovation Officer of CFC Underwriting Limited, a Lloyd’s managing general agent based in London. Reach Graeme at gnewman@cfcunderwriting.com.

Tech and Medical Device Convergence Exposes New World of Risks
When the acclaimed television drama series "Homeland" climaxed with a devious plot by terrorists to kill America's vice president by hacking into his electronic pacemaker, critics mocked the ...
Instagram, Crowdsourcing and the New Risks of Emerging Technology
At its peak in 1996, Kodak—then the world's largest camera maker and photo film supplier—had revenues in excess of $16 billion and employed more than 145,000 people. But after 130 years in ...
The New Age Of Technology: 3-D Printing
Earlier this year, scientists from Cornell University successfully created an artificial human ear by printing it on a 3-D printer. Created by squirting living cells into an injection mold, the ears ...
CEOs & Social Media: A Matter Of Trust
Insurance is a unique industry. It is one where most customers will never get to use the product they buy, few if any can accurately assess how good it is before they buy it and every individual will ...
Imagining A Future Filled With Driverless Cars
Visions of robotic self-driving cars may appear like something from a George Lucas film but in June 2011, this vision took a giant leap toward becoming reality when Nevada became the first state to ...