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Content from Erik Stockwell
Erik Stockwell leads the Insurance Transformation Services team for Genpact. This team covers analytics, digital, and consulting for clients’ target operating model and digital transformation agendas. He has more than 25 years of experience in the insurance industry. His experience includes working in large, multi-national insurance carriers in a variety of functional areas including finance, marketing, underwriting, and claims. He was insurance chief digital officer for a Fortune 500 technology and systems integration firm covering RPA, AI, analytics, IoT and software engineering. He was chief financial officer for a regional life BPO and led the development of straight-through-processing methodologies for the business. He is a CLU, licensed insurance producer and holds an MBA in marketing and finance from Penn State University.
The pandemic has been a wake-up call for insurers. In an industry that has traditionally lagged in digital deployments, the savviest players are reassessing their own infrastructures to reevaluate if ...
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