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Content from Emily Holbrook
Emily Holbrook is owner of Red Label Writing LLC, a writing, editing and content strategy firm catering to the insurance and financial services sector.
An excerpt from Deloitte's 2019 Insurance Outlook Why should product development be high on insurer agendas in 2019? Most insurers have long struggled with innovative product development. Working ...
In an era of insurance transformation, where process simplification and flawless customer service is expected, innovation in policy and product is a must—especially when it comes to the ...
A company culture that can meet the demands of a digital age will make or break a company, no matter size, industry or geographic location. While waiting for cultural change to occur within your ...
Networking is a necessary evil in the business world. If you're not a natural extrovert, mingling with strangers can prove awkward and nerve-wracking. This is true for many, but even more so for ...
Pina Albo began her career as a lawyer in Toronto, Canada. After practicing in real estate, corporate finance and M&A, she started at Munich Re as a claims expert. During her 25-year career at ...
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