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Content from Elizabeth Blosfield
Elizabeth is Deputy Editor at Carrier Management. She hosts The Insuring Cyber Podcast and Between the Lines, a quarterly video series exploring topics in Carrier Management's latest magazine edition. Elizabeth can be reached at
Donegal Group's growth has been fueled by its acquisition of medium-sized "Main Street" carriers. Since 1995, it has completed six acquisitions or participated in other carriers' business through ...
Andrew Fastow, former chief financial officer of Enron Corp., a now-defunct energy trading company swept up in a massive fraud scandal in the early 2000s, warned a room full of directors and officers ...
Financial experts are expressing cautious optimism for the P/C industry as it heads into 2017, though they say that multiple factors will continue to pose a challenge. Perhaps one of the biggest ...
New York State's Department of Financial Services (DFS) in December issued a new regulation that prohibits insurance companies from denying commercial crime insurance coverage to New York businesses ...
Auto-Owners Insurance, a Lansing, Michigan, based insurance provider, has announced its proposed affiliation with the Concord, N.H., based Concord General Mutual Insurance group of companies. The ...
In an increasingly connected and globalized world, the insurance industry needs to work together to understand and accommodate the many disruptions it faces today and in the future, said Sean ...
At the American Society of Workers' Compensation Professionals (AMCOMP) Fall Meeting held recently in New York, Mark Walls, vice president of communications and strategic analysis at Safety National, ...
Panelists at a New York event hosted last week by Lloyd's, the world's specialist insurance market, and the American Security Project, a nonpartisan national security think-tank, urged the insurance ...
TheGuarantors, a New York-based insurance tech startup founded in 2014, is seeking to make renting an apartment in New York easier for landlords, brokers and renters through its newly launched, ...
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