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Content from Don Bailey
Don Bailey is a partner with Bristlecone Partner, a Madison, N.J.-based coaching, consulting and leadership development firm, with an emphasis on leadership guided by neuroscience principles. In addition to his coaching and consulting business, Bailey currently serves on the Board of Advisors of ICG/SageSure and Zywave. Reach him at
Bailey is the Guest Editor for a section of the July/August 2020 edition of Carrier Management about leadership in insurance.
You're either a fountain or a drain. Funny thing is, you're not born that way. It's a choice you make each day when you wake up. How do you tell which a person is? Take an inventory of how that ...
Certainty is scarce right now. When we lack certainty, we lack calm and peace. Our lives feel out of control. It's daunting to capture calm in the midst of chaos. But when we seize control in times ...
Arguably, the greatest asset I own after 30 years in the insurance industry is my network. My network was built over decades of engagements. To be clear, all of those engagements were face to face. I ...
Let's start with the normal distribution curve. Have I lost you already? Most of us know the normal distribution curve, also known as a bell curve. It sits on an x/y axis. It starts low, gradually ...
Long before cellphones, Starbucks and Twitter, there was insurance. You can look back to the advent of society and find some form of the concept. In 4000 BCE Babylon, contracts protected merchants ...
Week #1 = Shock (mandatory work from home, seriously?) Week #2 = Novelty (Zoom meetings, crazy hat day, check out my workspace!) Week #3 = Realization (wait, we need to actually run our business this ...
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