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Content from Craig Bedell
Craig Bedell, ARM, leads Bedell Consulting. He is an insurance expert with deep insights into the optimization of people, process and technology. He previously served as a Global Insurance Industry Executive for the IBM Global Insurance Industry Leadership team and as a member of IBM’s Industry Academy. Find him on LinkedIn at
AAIS has developed openIDL, an open blockchain network that streamlines regulatory reporting and provides new insights for insurers. I interviewed Joan Zerkovich, VP of Operations at AAIS, about her ...
There is so much talk about the need for the insurance industry to innovate. More and more emphasis is being put on innovation. Heck, even AM Best has decided that it needs to assess innovation as a ...
Let me tell you about a burr that's been under my saddle for way too long. Simply put, I think that so much of the way analytics and AI are being promoted to the insurance industry is similar to the ...
Blockchain is having a profound impact on the way business is being conducted. And while we are only at the beginning of some of the most significant transformation, the long-term changes that ...
There's finally come a point of confluence between technology and business. Let's examine a few facts. Especially in the insurance industry, terms like transformation, innovation and disruption are ...
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