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Content from Coface
As one of the world’s leading credit insurers, Coface collects data on countries, economies, currency, business sectors and the payment history of literally millions of companies worldwide. Coface underwriters use this data to price political and credit risk. Coface economists use the data to gauge business climate and forecast economic performance.
With insurance markets already mature in Europe and North America, carriers are eager to find new markets in which to expand. Many are looking to Latin America and Africa. But it is the Asia-Pacific ...
South Africa is a study of contrasts. Its financial sector is among the world's most developed and sophisticated, yet the country of roughly 50 million inhabitants is plagued with large scale ...
With a skilled workforce, dynamic private sector, growing middle class, nascent democratic government, and strategic geographic position, Turkey represents a tantalizing opportunity for ...
With a gross domestic product of $2.42 trillion, Brazil is already the world's sixth largest economy—bigger than the UK. A diversity of trading partners, as well as a mix of agriculture, raw ...
With Europe in recession and North America growing at an anemic pace, insurers are seeking new markets. Not surprisingly, many are casting an eye towards Brazil. A host of factors make Brazil ...
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