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Content from Chris Cheatham
Chris Cheatham is CEO of RiskGenius, publisher of Insurance Prospectus and Vice President of Product, Insurance Intelligence for Bold Penguin. RiskGenius helps insurance companies evaluate insurance policies to improve and assess wordings. You can contact him at
Well, 2020 is almost over. Am I right? Following up on previous work exploring the relationships between COVID-19 and business interruption insurance litigation, in this article we evaluate trends ...
Hello, devoted COVIDigation Nation readers. This is article two in a series tracking insurance lawsuits related to COVID-19 business claims (i.e., COVIDigation). It's kind of like a serial comic ...
Let's get a few things out of the way. First, I am not a data scientist or an actuary. I am an attorney interested in data. More specifically, I am interested in using data from disparate sources to ...
There has never been a book that changed my world view like "The World Is Flat" by Thomas Friedman. I was in my early 20s, and the book helped me realize I was competing with other workers throughout ...
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