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Content from Chris Burand
Chris Burand is president of Burand & Associates LLC, an insurance agency consulting firm. Reach Chris at
I recently wrote an article describing my horrendous experience purchasing a new life insurance policy. I criticized the industry for employing incompetent people and egregious renewal offers. ...
It is always interesting to be on the other side of a desk. I consult and write on "all things" insurance, but I'm not always buying insurance. This year I purchased a couple of new policies, causing ...
The year 2015 marked the first time in history that 10 property/casualty insurance companies wrote more than 50 percent of P/C net premiums written (NPW). A.M. Best lists approximately 1,200 P/C ...
The property/casualty insurance and group benefits industry is changing faster than ever—or at least faster than any time in any reader's history. Many factors are responsible for the change. Part ...
A multitude of forces are causing many carriers to think of ways to disintermediate agencies. Health care reform is one. Some benefits carriers have cut commissions to 0 percent and agents are still ...
I have recently been reminded of some of the nonsensical insurance idiosyncrasies that veterans of the industry take for granted. Several of these involve math—and bad math in particular. 1. ...
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