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The annual Rendez-Vous de Septembre in Monte Carlo, Monaco traditionally focuses on one or two signatory concerns within the industry. This year, things were different. The 2,700 registered attendees ...
While catastrophic event models focus mainly on weather-related events, the world also has to cope with catastrophic terrorist acts, particularly those caused by explosive devices placed in areas ...
Earthquakes, the natural kind caused by the movements of vast tectonic plates, have been occurring since the dawn of time. But now there is a new type of quake being caused by human activity. ...
Technologies are rather like bicycles. Just as riders must continue to move forward or risk falling down, so too designers of catastrophe models are moving full speed ahead to stay on course, experts ...
The long journey toward a unified regulatory system for insurance in the European Union—Solvency II—finally appears to be near its end. With that hurdle behind them insurers and reinsurers have ...
It's been a long process, but, according to Paul Fisher, deputy head of the Bank of England's Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), who supervises insurance and regulatory risk, it is nearing ...
With today's globally focused property/casualty insurance market, brokers wield the greatest influence, XL Group CEO Mike McGavick asserted at a recent industry forum in the U.K. "Brokers hold the ...
Stephen Catlin, Chief Executive of Catlin Group Limited, will be the 2015 Insurance Hall of Fame Award recipient, the International Insurance Society ('IIS') has announced. The Insurance Hall of Fame ...
If you're going to successfully operate a relatively new reinsurance company in these troubled times, you better know what you're doing. Fortunately, Bermuda-based Hamilton Re would seem to pass ...
Over the past 13 years, Swiss Re's Chief Economist Kurt Karl has been through a succession of reinsurance market ups and downs, but he says the current situation is somewhat new and requires special ...
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