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Content from Atanu Sarkar
Atanu Sarkar is Vice President of the DataLeverage business at ValueMomentum, a specialist IT services and solutions provider to over 50 carriers in North America. His team serves carriers with enterprise data strategy, modern data platform and data sciences solutions. Over the course of his career, he has served as a trusted adviser for CIOs and business leaders. Prior to ValueMomentum, he was one of the founding principals at a global decision sciences company. Reach him at
It is clear that traditional end-to-end business models are breaking down in every industry, including insurance. In the digital era, the standards of service are continually rising, making it ...
When Chloe steps out the door of her apartment on her way to work in the morning, her vehicle automatically unlocks its doors while the navigation system maps out the best route based on the latest ...
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