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Content from Anne E. Ross
Anne E. Ross, a business lawyer with Foley & Lardner LLP, has worked in the field of business law for more than 40 years. Her practice reflects the growing intellectual asset-based economy of the Upper Midwest, including extensive work with insurance companies, technology-driven companies and their investors, and tax-exempt organizations. Her insurance industry experience includes representation of life, health and property/casualty insurers in new company formation; mergers and acquisitions of stock and mutual companies; mutual insurance holding company conversions and mergers; demutualizations; bulk reinsurance transactions and portfolio acquisitions; insolvency workouts; private debt and equity financings; and joint venture and strategic partnership transactions.
2020 was a year of learning and innovation for those of us working in the field of insurance industry mergers and acquisitions. So far, it appears that 2021 will be another year of abundant ...
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