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American International Group Inc.'s property and casualty business booked its first underwriting profit in two and a half years during the first quarter, as the insurer wrote more premiums at higher ...
American International Group (AIG) announced replacements for three of the four high-level executives who jumped ship last Friday to join Berkshire Hathaway insurance operations and potentially ...
A federal appeals court ruled in favor of American International Group Inc. by concluding that the insurer's $10 billion lawsuit against Bank of America Corp. over mortgage losses belongs in state ...
Almost 95 percent of Superstorm Sandy-related personal and business insurance claims in the New York State have now been closed, regulators reported. The states compiles data from 24 major insurers ...
In a closely watched ruling that left questions unanswered, the U.S. Supreme Court said on Wednesday that federal courts do not have jurisdiction to hear lawsuits against foreign corporations accused ...
The death toll from the bombings at the Boston Marathon has risen to three. More than 140 people are being treated at area hospitals for injuries, some of them grave and involving amputations. There ...
Former AIG CEO and Chairman Maurice "Hank" Greenberg warned against the movement to install more outside directors on corporate boards long before a group of outsiders took over American ...
The auto insurance industry is dead. The last non-renewal notice has been sent, the last credit score has been calculated, and the last tee time made by a personal lines marketing rep has been moved ...
During his 60-year career, Maurice "Hank" Greenberg helped build American International Group (AIG) into the world's largest insurer by opening global markets and getting services industries ...
London, New York, Hong Kong and Singapore remain the top four financial centers around the globe. That's according to the latest survey conducted by the Financial Center Futures team at the London ...
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