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After Bill Pieroni, the CEO of ACORD, delivered a presentation about ACORD's latest study, "Intelligent Growth: Intent, Decisions, Outcomes," he sat down with Wells Media's Andrew Simpson to talk ...
As for the waning carriers, why did they wane? Why didn't they grow and why did they achieve inferior economics? Pieroni said there are a number of reasons but the top ones include inability to ...
Some insurance carriers grow but do not create value. Others shrink but still create value. Some fail at both. Then there are the "intelligent growers"—those that succeed at both, not only growing ...
ACORD's recent study, "Intelligent Growth: Intent, Decisions, Outcomes," reveals that E&S/specialty companies don't fare well over the long term. Here, CEO Bill Pieroni suggests possible reasons ...
If Bill Pieroni were a Major League Baseball executive, he would be one of those sabermetric types like Oakland's Billy Beane, heralded by the book "Moneyball." His team's manager would have ...
Ratings agency A.M. Best said its ratings of James River Insurance remain unchanged after the insurer said it would be cancelling its business with ride-hailing giant Uber affiliate, Rasier, its ...
A New Jersey recently ordered insurance data services firm Verisk to pay $125 million to aerial imaging firm EagleView for lost profits linked to Verisk infringing on various EagleView patents. The ...
"The industry really does look to specialty writers to be at the forefront of innovation," says Gail McGiffin. Specialty insurance carriers have a unique "toolset" that helps them grow through ...
Berkshire Hathaway's GEICO auto insurer has joined the ranks of carriers using telematics to track and improve driver behavior—after resisting for years. Berkshire Hathaway's GEICO has been one of ...
Markel Corp. appears on the way to settling with two former employees who sued over unpaid bonuses after they were dismissed for allegedly having a personal relationship that Markel said violated ...
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