Content from Andrew N. Mais
Andrew N. Mais is Commissioner of the Connecticut Insurance Department and Secretary Treasurer of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. He previously worked at the Deloitte Center of Financial Services and as a director for the New York State Insurance Department.

Moving From Good to Great Compliance: A Strategic Asset to Help Power Performance
News headlines everywhere have trumpeted the consequences of compliance failures in various industries. It is thus not surprising that in an industry like insurance, which is based almost completely ...
Your Brand Is Your Business—Protect It!
Few things are as hard to maintain or as easy or costly to lose as a good reputation. A look through the business section of your favorite tabloid often provides an example of how poorly managed ...
Objects In Mirror May Be Closer Than They Appear
I have a CD player in my relatively new luxury sports sedan. It plays five—or maybe six—CDs so I can be surrounded by music I choose and like all through even a reasonably long journey. Or maybe ...