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Content from Anand Rao
Dr. Anand S. Rao is a principal for Insurance Advisory Services and Innovation Lead in PwC Analytics Group. Reach Anand at
The sensors in your house track your habits and convey them to your insurer, who underwrites your homeowners policy. A customer signs an "honesty pledge" and then reports a claim to the insurer. ...
As artificial intelligence (AI) gains more widespread adoption in insurance and other industries, we see four distinct uses for it. In this article, we examine them and describe some current and ...
Early this year, news of a large Japanese insurance company replacing 34 of their employees with artificial intelligence (AI) sent shockwaves throughout the industry. While automation is nothing new ...
"Artificial intelligence" (AI) is splashed across the daily headlines. For example, an AI application recently beat the human Go champion, autonomous cars are edging closer to mainstream use, social ...
The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in personal insurance is twofold. On the one hand, rapid advances that incorporate a number of AI aspects are occurring in partially autonomous and fully ...
Finance functions within insurance companies have traditionally been the stewards of historical data, analyzing and presenting what happened via management dashboards and reports. However, CFOs are ...
"Disruption," "innovation" and "analytics" are three of the trendiest words in the popular press today. PwC's "18th Annual Global CEO Survey" shows that nearly 70 percent of insurance CEOs are ...
Claims organizations are under increasing pressure to manage the legal expense associated with claims litigation. The legal spend for the P/C insurance market remained flat at $21.3 billion from 2008 ...
Insurance carrier chief executives are upbeat about their companies' growth prospects, with nearly 90 percent of those recently surveyed saying they are at least reasonably confident about their ...
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