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Content from Adam Grossman
Adam Grossman, Ph.D., is Praedicat’s Senior Scientist and Vice President of Modeling.Â
Emerging risks evolve through three phases: emerging interest, emerging damage and emerging litigation. During the "emerging interest" phase, scientists, regulators or legal scholars first flag the ...
Much discussion of casualty catastrophe is consumed with talk of the "next asbestos," the $100 billion insurance loss caused by a ubiquitous mineral used for insulation and other products that is now ...
Social inflation is the primary explanation offered for the need to increase general liability and excess casualty premiums in the last two years. With social inflation, injured parties are more ...
One of the more surprising recent conspiracy theories to make the rounds of the Internet and social media is that the COVID-19 pandemic is actually a hoax perpetrated by corporations to cover up the ...
In January 2016, a 38-year-old man reported to a medical clinic in Iowa for a circumcision and was mistakenly given a vasectomy, rendering him infertile. Late last year, a jury awarded the man $2 ...
Until recently, there was a relative lull in new mass tort events in the United States. This led to a sense among insurers that mass litigation was no longer the looming threat that it was in the ...
Drinking water: a commodity so abundant in modern society that we rarely give it much thought. At least until recently with two dramatic discoveries. First, the discovery of lead-contaminated water ...
One of the most challenging things about liability insurance is that claims on this year's policy might be made well into the future. If exposure to a chemical, product or business activity this year ...
A chief underwriting officer of one of the largest P/C insurers once said to us, "I don't know what the next asbestos will be, but it will be whatever causes autism." The rate of autism spectrum ...
Are the products used to build our buildings also making us fat? Are our diet sodas giving us cancer? As though it isn't hard enough to watch our diets, as insurers we have to worry about what it all ...
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