While inflation has been a big topic in the news, what about social inflation and its impact for the insurance industry?

In Carrier Management’s final Strategy Sessions webinar for the year, Heather Wilson, CEO of Clara Analytics, will discuss how social inflation is creating challenges for insurers. She says that while it can drive costs higher, those costs are indirect and may not receive as much attention among the general public. With this in mind, Wilson sees four main drivers of social inflation: a higher-stakes litigation environment, societal shifts, medical cost inflation, and newly emerging risks.

During this live webinar, she’ll discuss all of these in more detail, as well as how she believes the COVID-19 pandemic is adding fuel to the social inflation fire. She’ll also talk about how she believes a coordinated response is one of the best solutions to benefit claimants, policyholders, and insurers alike. She’ll talk about what she believes that could look like to combat these growing challenges, and where the current climate might be headed in the future.

This Strategy Sessions webinar will be held live at 1 p.m. ET on Tuesday, Nov. 8, with an opportunity for viewer questions at the end. Don’t miss it! Register for free here: https://www.insurancejournal.com/research/research/whats-driving-social-inflation/

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