Key findings from a survey of risk managers in higher education reveals trends in compensation associated with gender, years of experience, title, education level, region and additional factors.
The University Risk Management and Insurance Association (URMIA) reports the results of its third analysis of higher education risk management departments, professionals and compensation. The survey of URMIA members was conducted in the summer of 2015 and featured responses from 176 higher education institutions from across the U.S.
Auburn University’s Christine Eick and Lee Colquitt and St. Mary’s University’s David Sommer provided analysis of the survey results.
URMIA is an international nonprofit educational association serving colleges and universities. Its core purpose is to promote effective risk management principles and practices in institutions of higher education. URMIA represents more than 2,300 individuals at over 600 institutions of higher education and over 100 companies with members ranging from small schools and community colleges to the largest educational institutions.